The Cold Weather’s Almost Here

firewoodukAs the weather starts to get colder in the mornings and late evening as we head in to August, it’s the perfect excuse to stock up with firewood and enjoy a few logs in the evening before Autumn gets in to full swing and the burners find themselves getting used more often.

Today we have various packages of kiln dried logs awaiting collection due to be sent to London, Greater London, Middlesex and Berkshire, from pallets of 15 nets to our bulk bag and a 2m huge crate.

With our new Economy AM service you can receive your firewood from 8am-12, freeing up the rest of your day. We have also implemented tracking codes on every delivery which means your order can be tracked as soon as it’s on the way to the Palletways hub – we e-mail you the morning after dispatch with the tracking information.

All the best heading in to the cold,
